Mark has been in and out of many foster homes. During the shuffles he lost interest in music. While at his current foster home he was encouraged to take music lessons. He sent us a letter asking for help in purchasing  a keyboard. Children In Need was able to purchase a keyboard for him from Target. He sent a letter thanking us for caring enough about him to inspire him to get back to his music.

Exceptional Support for Deserving Children 

Children In Need received a request from a social worker asking us to help a young girl named Kathy with a hair treatment. Kathy's hair was damaged from not being taken care of and she did not like leaving home causing feelings of embarrassment and anxiety. Children in Need helped pay for the haircut, conditioning and weave to boost Kathy's confidence allowing her to feel comfortable attending school.

Some of the activities Children in Need have  helped with in the past year include:

Jason, a 12 year-old boy attended an interview for Medi-Cal with his guardian three years ago. His mother was in jail and had given guardianship to her friend who had recently been released from jail. During the interview his guardian had indicated that Jason had a lot of anger within him, and said that he seemed to find trouble as well as trouble finding him.  As the interview progressed his caseworker took the opportunity to refer him to the local community sports teams available for sign ups. Jason was given the choice of sports and he chose football. Children In Need sponsored Jason for the first two years to play football at his school. Jason's School has waived his fees this year due to the dedication to his education and his team Jason has demonstrated. This fall he will be on the JV Football Team. His mother has since been released from jail and is very proud of her son and his accomplishments. She states that he loves football so much that he makes sure that his GPA doesn't go below the required 2.0 so that he can continue playing. Both mother and Jason are very grateful that football created focus for Jason and believe that Children In Need helped them in a way that no other assistance available within the county could. 

We wanted to thank Children in need for the help with the fees for our children. The money that was given for the kids has allowed them to be very involved at the YMCA, volleyball, basketball as well as swim lessons. I am unsure how to thank your agency but to say, "Thank you," because without this money our children would not be able to be active. Thank you again so much!

In our county there are countless children who, through no fault of their own, are living in foster homes or group homes separated from family, friends and their familiar environments and schools. San Diego County also has a large number of children from low-income families whose parents barely earn enough to cover household expenses.


  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Golf
  • Cheerleading
  • Scouting Uniforms
  • Self Defense Classes
  • 5th and 6th Grade Bootcamp
  • Dance lessons - Cotillion Classes
  • Dress and Suit High School Dances 
  • ASB Cards
  • Yearbooks